Genealogy & the Computer Users of Erie

One of our own was the featured speaker at tonight’s Erie Society for Genealogical Research’s monthly meeting.

Dave Howell spoke about the Computer Users of Erie (CUE) which has a genealogy special interest group that meets at 7:00pm on the first Tuesday of every month. The genealogy group was organized twenty years ago, by four or five CUE members who shared an interest in learning how to research their family history. They were novices, and their mission was to learn how to do online genealogy, to develop a legacy they could pass on to their children and grandchildren, and to have fun doing it.

One of their first tasks was deciding on a software program which would produce family charts and narrative histories. They chose Legacy Genealogy software, and still use it today. They also decided to invest in one search engine. They chose Ancestry and were allowed to have a group membership which allows three online sessions at one time. Some members have their own Ancestry subscription, but for those who don’t, they have the option of buying into the group subscription. The cost varies year to year, depending on how many memberships sign opt in, but it’s typically $15 to $20 each.

The group meets at members’ homes. They tackle research problems members are having, and troubleshoot members’ software problems, working collectively to find solutions. There are lots of happy discoveries and laughter, and over the years the group has developed quite a camaraderie. They have also offered classes, geared at helping others get started on their own genealogy research.

Anyone interested in joining is invited to come to one or two meetings, and if they decide to join, a membership to the CUE is $24/year. You can find more information at the group’s website:

Erie PA Genealogy and Historical Goings-On, Week of July 6, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday July 8, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.

DAVE HOWELL will speak about the Computer Users Group of Erie, which has a sub group for genealogy. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.


Hands-On History at Corry Area Historical Society

945 Mead Avenue, Corry
Sat, July 12, 11am – 4pm

Families of all ages are welcome. Activities and games will focus on the 1920-1969 era, and will include a WWII reenactment hosted by local reenactors, an appearance by Elvis Presley, coin and stamp displays, a period grocery store and demonstrations.

There is no charge for the event, but a donation of $2 per person or $5 per family will be greatly appreciated. The first 500 students to fill out an activity card will receive a vintage stamp.


“Erieites by Occupation” Cemetery Tour

Sun, July 13, 11:00am – 12:30pm, join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at 11:00am and 2:00pm at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.

Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).

Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.


Lagoons by Pontoon (Daily)

Presque Isle

Discover the natural history and beauty of the park’s interior lagoons in this one-hour interpretive pontoon tour. Sign-up starts 10 am on a first-come, first-served basis at the Lagoons Launch. Run daily.

Next rainy day, check out:

Big Green Screen Theater, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie PA

Daily Shows all summer
Mysteries of the Unseen World: 11 am, 1 pm or 3 pm.
Titans of the Ice Age: 12 pm, 4 pm.
Mysteries of the Great Lakes: 2 pm, 5 pm.

$7.50/adults; $5.50/ages 3-12; $6/ages 65 and up.
$4 double feature (same day).
Afternoon Daily Movie Special: 2 tickets for $10 at 3 pm, 4 pm or 5 pm.
Monday Special: $5 tickets and $1 regular popcorn all day!
Wednesdays are Seniors Days: $5/ages 65 and up.

Subject to change. Call 814-838-4123 for up to date information.