Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting
The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday July 8, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.
DAVE HOWELL will speak about the Computer Users Group of Erie, which has a sub group for genealogy. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.
Hands-On History at Corry Area Historical Society
945 Mead Avenue, Corry
Sat, July 12, 11am – 4pm
Families of all ages are welcome. Activities and games will focus on the 1920-1969 era, and will include a WWII reenactment hosted by local reenactors, an appearance by Elvis Presley, coin and stamp displays, a period grocery store and demonstrations.
There is no charge for the event, but a donation of $2 per person or $5 per family will be greatly appreciated. The first 500 students to fill out an activity card will receive a vintage stamp.
“Erieites by Occupation” Cemetery Tour
Sun, July 13, 11:00am – 12:30pm, join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at 11:00am and 2:00pm at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.
Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).
Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.
Lagoons by Pontoon (Daily)
Presque Isle
Discover the natural history and beauty of the park’s interior lagoons in this one-hour interpretive pontoon tour. Sign-up starts 10 am on a first-come, first-served basis at the Lagoons Launch. Run daily.
Next rainy day, check out:
Big Green Screen Theater, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie PA
Daily Shows all summer
Mysteries of the Unseen World: 11 am, 1 pm or 3 pm.
Titans of the Ice Age: 12 pm, 4 pm.
Mysteries of the Great Lakes: 2 pm, 5 pm.
$7.50/adults; $5.50/ages 3-12; $6/ages 65 and up.
$4 double feature (same day).
Afternoon Daily Movie Special: 2 tickets for $10 at 3 pm, 4 pm or 5 pm.
Monday Special: $5 tickets and $1 regular popcorn all day!
Wednesdays are Seniors Days: $5/ages 65 and up.
Subject to change. Call 814-838-4123 for up to date information.