Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting
The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday October 14, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Blasco Public Library. NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE
Jim McQuiston will speak about Scottish research. A membership meeting will follow.
Ghost Walks of Waterford
Judson House, Waterford
Weekends in October: Saturdays 6-9 and Sundays 6-8, and they begin behind the Judson House. Every 30 minutes a new walk begins. Cost is $5/Adult and $3/Child 2-12, under 2 Free. Refreshments are available.
Sponsored by the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society
Ghosts and Legends of Hope Cemetery
The Little Church on the Hill, 10410 High St., Albion
Sat, October 11, 2pm-3pm (and 8pm-9pm on October 25)
The suggested donation is $3 per person, $5 for couples. RSVP required by 7 am the day of the tour by calling 814/323-0447.
October Erie Cemetery Tours
Sundays join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at 11:00am and 2:00pm at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.
SUN Oct 12 “First Settlers”
SUN Oct 19 “Ghosts and Legends”
Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).
Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.
Edinboro Area Historical Society’s Public Program
Edinboro Borough Hall Wed, October 15, 7pm – 9pm
Joy Estock will present an informative program regarding her ancestors who were part of Edinboro’s first pioneers.
Fairview Area Historical Society Public Meeting
Sturgeon House, 4302 Avonia Road (Route 98) in Fairview. Wed, October 15, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Every month the Fairview Area Historical Society hosts a guest speaker. For more information, contact the Society at (814) 474-5855 or email
Elk Creek Historical Society Coffee House
The Little Church on the Hill, 16410 High Street, Albion, PA Sat, October 18, 7pm – 9pm
Are you interested in music, history, and fun? Then stop by The Little Church on the Hill’s monthly coffee house in Wellsburg, PA. The music begins at 7 pm and goes until 9 pm. There will be refreshments, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle during intermission. All donations go towards the restoration and preservation of this 156 year old historic landmark. Bring friends and family for a night of music and fun. For additional information, contact the Elk Creek Historical Society at