Keystone Kuzzins

kk cover

The latest issue of Keystone Kuzzins, the Erie Society for Genealogical Research’s quarterly newsletter, is at the printer! Members will receive a print copy in the mail in the next week or two. If you’d like to get it sooner, sign up to be added to the digital version. Contact

Erie PA Genealogy & Historical Goings-on Week of Oct. 12, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday October 14, 2014 at 7:00pm at the Blasco Public Library. NOTE THE LOCATION CHANGE

Jim McQuiston will speak about Scottish research. A membership meeting will follow.


Ghost Walks of Waterford

Judson House, Waterford
Weekends in October: Saturdays 6-9 and Sundays 6-8, and they begin behind the Judson House. Every 30 minutes a new walk begins. Cost is $5/Adult and $3/Child 2-12, under 2 Free. Refreshments are available.
Sponsored by the Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society


Ghosts and Legends of Hope Cemetery

The Little Church on the Hill, 10410 High St., Albion
Sat, October 11, 2pm-3pm (and 8pm-9pm on October 25)

The suggested donation is $3 per person, $5 for couples. RSVP required by 7 am the day of the tour by calling 814/323-0447.


October Erie Cemetery Tours

Sundays join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at 11:00am and 2:00pm at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.

SUN Oct 12 “First Settlers”
SUN Oct 19 “Ghosts and Legends”

Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).

Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.


Edinboro Area Historical Society’s Public Program

Edinboro Borough Hall Wed, October 15, 7pm – 9pm

Joy Estock will present an informative program regarding her ancestors who were part of Edinboro’s first pioneers.


Fairview Area Historical Society Public Meeting

Sturgeon House, 4302 Avonia Road (Route 98) in Fairview. Wed, October 15, 7:30pm – 9:00pm

Every month the Fairview Area Historical Society hosts a guest speaker. For more information, contact the Society at (814) 474-5855 or email


Elk Creek Historical Society Coffee House

The Little Church on the Hill, 16410 High Street, Albion, PA Sat, October 18, 7pm – 9pm

Are you interested in music, history, and fun? Then stop by The Little Church on the Hill’s monthly coffee house in Wellsburg, PA. The music begins at 7 pm and goes until 9 pm. There will be refreshments, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle during intermission. All donations go towards the restoration and preservation of this 156 year old historic landmark. Bring friends and family for a night of music and fun. For additional information, contact the Elk Creek Historical Society at

Erie PA Genealogy and Historical Goings-On, Week of July 6, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday July 8, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.

DAVE HOWELL will speak about the Computer Users Group of Erie, which has a sub group for genealogy. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.


Hands-On History at Corry Area Historical Society

945 Mead Avenue, Corry
Sat, July 12, 11am – 4pm

Families of all ages are welcome. Activities and games will focus on the 1920-1969 era, and will include a WWII reenactment hosted by local reenactors, an appearance by Elvis Presley, coin and stamp displays, a period grocery store and demonstrations.

There is no charge for the event, but a donation of $2 per person or $5 per family will be greatly appreciated. The first 500 students to fill out an activity card will receive a vintage stamp.


“Erieites by Occupation” Cemetery Tour

Sun, July 13, 11:00am – 12:30pm, join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at 11:00am and 2:00pm at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.

Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).

Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.


Lagoons by Pontoon (Daily)

Presque Isle

Discover the natural history and beauty of the park’s interior lagoons in this one-hour interpretive pontoon tour. Sign-up starts 10 am on a first-come, first-served basis at the Lagoons Launch. Run daily.

Next rainy day, check out:

Big Green Screen Theater, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie PA

Daily Shows all summer
Mysteries of the Unseen World: 11 am, 1 pm or 3 pm.
Titans of the Ice Age: 12 pm, 4 pm.
Mysteries of the Great Lakes: 2 pm, 5 pm.

$7.50/adults; $5.50/ages 3-12; $6/ages 65 and up.
$4 double feature (same day).
Afternoon Daily Movie Special: 2 tickets for $10 at 3 pm, 4 pm or 5 pm.
Monday Special: $5 tickets and $1 regular popcorn all day!
Wednesdays are Seniors Days: $5/ages 65 and up.

Subject to change. Call 814-838-4123 for up to date information.

Erie, PA, Genealogical & Historical Goings-On, Week of June 16, 2014

“Former Residents of West 6th Street” Cemetery Tour

This Sunday, June 22, 11:00am, and 2:00pm, join Caroline Reichel for a 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.

Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).

Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.


Night at the Railroad Museum

Saturday June 21, midnight, to Sunday June 22, 4pm

Lake Shore Railway Museum
31 Wall St
North East, PA 16428

Special Saturday events, speeder rides, and more. Night photo shoot at 10:00 p.m. The event runs all night so you can get those great night time photos of the museum’s rolling stock and the historic New York Central Railroad passenger depot serving as the museum headquarters.

Event begins at 12PM on the 21st and continues right through the night until 4PM on the 22nd.


Lagoons by Pontoon (Daily)

Presque Isle

Discover the natural history and beauty of the park’s interior lagoons in this one-hour interpretive pontoon tour. Sign-up starts 10 am on a first-come, first-served basis at the Lagoons Launch. Run daily.


Waldameer Amusement Park

As Erie’s summer season (finally) unfolds, take a look back at Waldameer through the decades on Debbi Lyon’s blog, Old Time Erie. You’ll find a collection of old images and interesting facts here

Next rainy day, check out:

Big Green Screen Theater, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie PA

Daily Shows all summer
Mysteries of the Unseen World: 11 am, 1 pm or 3 pm.
Titans of the Ice Age: 12 pm, 4 pm.
Mysteries of the Great Lakes: 2 pm, 5 pm.

$7.50/adults; $5.50/ages 3-12; $6/ages 65 and up.
$4 double feature (same day).
Afternoon Daily Movie Special: 2 tickets for $10 at 3 pm, 4 pm or 5 pm.
Monday Special: $5 tickets and $1 regular popcorn all day!
Wednesdays are Seniors Days: $5/ages 65 and up.

Subject to change. Call 814-838-4123 for up to date information.

Erie, PA, Genealogical Goings-On for the week of June 9th, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday June 10, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.

ANDREW ADAMUS, from the Maritime Museum,  will speak about the history of the Wolverine. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.


“Meaning of Tombstones” Cemetery Tour

This Sunday, June 8, 11:00am, 2:00pm, join Caroline Reichel for a 60 to 90 minute walking tour of the Erie Cemetery. Tours begin at the cemetery’s main gate, 2116 Chestnut Street.

Cost is $10 per adult, $8 per child (12 and under).

Call Caroline at (814) 868-4423 or email for reservations.


Between the States: Photographs of the American Civil War Exhibit Opening

Mercyhurst University, Cummings Art Gallery opening reception: Thu, June 12, 7pm – 9pm

Mercyhurst University’s Cummings Art Gallery has a new show opening on Thursday, June 12th. It will run through August 13th, 2014. Erie Yesterday’s events calendar describes the exhibit thusly:

a traveling exhibit from the George Eastman House commemorating the 150th anniversary of “Mr. Lincoln’s War.” The traveling exhibit presents a selection of facsimile photographs of historical Civil War sites and circumstances by photographers including George Barnard, Mathew Brady, and Alexander Gardner.

Mounted as a traditional exhibition, Between the States is divided into sections that address points of interest from photographic history and civil war events. These sections include Gardner’s Sketchbook, Brady’s Album Gallery, Civil War Personalities, Portraits of Soldiers, The CSS Alabama, and The Lincoln Conspiracy.

Cummings Gallery Summer Hours: Monday- Friday, 11am-4pm
For more information call (814) 824-2092.



Erie PA, Genealogical Happenings, Week of April 6th, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday April 8, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.

Author ROXANNE HITCHCOCK,  will speak about the history of the city directories. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.


Remembering the Pennsylvania Railroad

Author KEN SPRINGIRTH will speak about his most recent book, Remembering the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Saturday, April 12th at 1:00pm at the Lincoln Branch  of the Erie County Public Library at 1255 Manchester Road in Fairview.

Please call 451-7085 with any questions.


Looking Ahead…

The Fairview Area Historical Society will host its monthly public meeting on Wednesday, April 16, 7:30pm to 9:00pm at the Sturgeon House, 4302 Avonia Road (Route 98).

To learn about the speaker, and for more information, contact the Society at (814) 474-5855 or email



Erie PA Genealogy Happenings, Week of March 9, 2014

Erie Society for Genealogical Research Monthly Meeting

The next meeting of the Erie Society for Genealogical Research (ESGR) is this Tuesday March 11, 2014 at 7:00pm at the History Center on State Street.

We have a special guest speaker: JIM MCQUISTON, author and musician, will speak about Celtic roots. A membership meeting will follow. Doors open at 6:40 and will be locked at 7:10.

March is the ESGR’s membership renewal month. Send in your renewal payment to stay current! If you have an interest in Erie history or genealogy, and have been thinking about joining, now is a great time to visit! The genealogy society shares space with the Erie County Historical Society in their Library & Archives H. O. Hirt Reading Room at 419 State Street. An ESGR membership is $15 per year. As a member, you’ll receive the society’s quarterly bulletin, Keystone Kuzzins; you may place free genealogical queries in that bulletin; and, you have free access to research materials in the historical society’s library and archives. The fee for non-members to use the library and archives is $7 per visit.

If you’d like more information, call 814.454.1813 x29, email, or visit our website at

___________________________________________________________________________________Beer Night in Erie

The Erie County Historical Society and BrewErie are hosting an evening of local beer history at BrewErie at Union Station, 123 West 15th Street, Erie, this Wednesday, March 12th, 7:00pm – 9:00pm. The event will feature a special BrewErie pint of pre-prohibition era formula Koehler Beer, and appetizers. Guests will also have an opportunity to view Erie brewing archival images and items from  ECHS collections. Advanced reservations are required for this event. Tickets are $25/person and participants must be at least 21 years old. Call for more details and ticket information. 454-1813×24

__________________________________________________________________________________How To Build Your Family Tree

This Thursday, March 13th, 6pm-8pm, ESGR’s own Ray Boutwell will give a workshop on different software programs available for organizing your genealogical research, and various options for presenting your family tree using charts and reports. The workshop, which has been expanded to two evenings, will be held at the Corry Higher Education Council, 221 N. Center Street, Corry. The cost to register is $20/person and payment must be made by noon this Tuesday. For information call 664-8405.
Elk Creek Historical Society Coffee House


Sat, March 15, 7pm–9pm at The Little Church on the Hill, 16410 High St., Albion

An evening of music, history, and fun. Refreshments, door prizes, 50/50 raffle. All donations will go toward the restoration and preservation of the 155 year old landmark. Contact the Elk Creek Historical Society at

Erie PA Genealogy Weekly, May 28, 2013

Local events and other goings-on for genealogy and family history enthusiasts in Erie County, Pennsylvania

The Erie County Historical Society is sponsoring a free lecture May 29th, 7:00pm, at the Cashier’s House at 417 State Street. Jeff  Kidder will be speaking about the history of bicycling  in Erie.

There’s still time to enter the Erie Times News Historic House Contest! The winner will receive a weekend getaway to the North East’s Grape Arbor Bed & Breakfast. If your house was built before 1963, check out the contest specifics here. Entries are due by May 31st.

Erie PA Genealogy Weekly, for May 14th 2013

Local events and other goings-on for genealogy and family history enthusiasts in Erie County, Pennsylvania

The Erie Society for Genealogical Research will hold its monthly meeting tonight, Tuesday May 14, 2013, at 7PM at the Erie History Center, 419 State Street Erie PA 16501. This month’s speaker is Jen Salem from TREC  center, who will give a talk on native plants of Erie County and Presque Isle State Park; Doors open at 6:40 and close at 7:10. Call 454-1813 x29 for more information.

Harry T. Burleigh and the Lawrence Family to be Honored

A dedication ceremony of street markers acknowledging Harry T. Burleigh and the Lawrence family contributions to Erie and its History is scheduled for Thursday, May 16 at 10:00 a.m. at the Bagnoni Council Chamber at City Hall.

 The Harry T. Burleigh Society will present a short program on the contributions of both families. Following the ceremony there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at East 3rd Street from French to Holland Streets commemorating Harry T. Burleigh, and then at West Front Street from Sassafras to Myrtle Streets commemorating the Lawrence family. The ceremony is opened to the public.

Reservations are being taken for two Erie County Historical Society special events:

The Final Clue: a 1920s murder mystery. $300 for a team of 6. June 15th, 6-?

Potterpalooza, a week long children’s camp that celebrates the magical wonder of Harry Potter. Children will dress as their favorite Harry Potter character and enjoy activities such as Potions class, a planetarium show and Defense Against the Dark Arts! $160 per child, $145 for additional children. July 22nd and July 29th.

For more information, or to reserve a spot or purchase tickets to these events, contact the Erie County Historical Society at (814)454-1813.