Erie PA Genealogy & Historical Goings-On for November

Talk by Jennifer Liber Raines, on The Erie County, New York, Poor House Project

Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 7:00pm
Thomas B. Hagen History Center
356 West Sixth Street

Free to the public. Sponsored by the Erie Society for Genealogical Research. Please arrive between 6:30 and 6:50pm. The lecture will be proceeded by a brief society membership meeting at 6:30pm.


Lecture at the Erie Maritime Museum – Commercial Fishing by Jerry Skrypzak

Sunday, November 22, 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Erie Maritime Museum, East Front Street, Erie

RSVP to Andrew 814.452.2744 ext 225 or


Fairview Area Historical Society Public Meeting

Wednesday, November 18, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Sturgeon House, 4302 Avonia Road (Route 98) in Fairview.

Meetings are open to the public. For more information, contact the Society at (814) 474-5855.


Elk Creek Historical Society Coffee House

The Little Church on the Hill, 16410 High Street, Albion, PA Saturday, November 21, 7pm – 9pm.

Are you interested in music, history, and fun? Then stop by The Little Church on the Hill’s monthly coffee house in Wellsburg, PA. The music begins at 7 pm and goes until 9 pm. There will be refreshments, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle during intermission. All donations go towards the restoration and preservation of this 156 year old historic landmark. Bring friends and family for a night of music and fun. For additional information, contact the Elk Creek Historical Society at